Verticals > Chemicals

Size Reduction Techniques


Size reduction units chop solids conveyed in liquids like wood, textiles, plastics, paper, rubber, bones, skins, glass etc. and make them pumpable. After treatment the solids have a grainsize of approx. 3,5 mm and fibres a size of approx. 1,5 cm2.
(As metal parts and stones destroy the cutting tools of the impeller, a collecting tank should be installed in front of a size reduction unit to separate them).

Size Reduction Technique
Size Reduction Technique


  • Tank mounting: for lateral installation to a collection tank or basin. These size reduction units work as disintegrator pump with a delivery head of 3 m and thus automatically lead back the chopped particles into the main flow.

  • Pipeline mounting: for direct installation into the piping. With this design the size reduction unit must be stopped by a helical rotor pump sucking the solids through the size reduction unit and pumping it into the plant for further treatment.


  • unit for tank mounting with axial pointed suction and sidewards pointed discharge socket. unit for pipeline mounting = inline, flange design


  • max. 80 °C

Capacity range

  • 10 – 80 m3/h (max. through-put by sludge of 3 % dry substance)

Shaft sealing

  • mechanical seal, which must be supplied with seal water (2 bar above the system pressure)

Driver, power transmission and bearing

  • Tank mounting design: electric standard motor, building form B 3 / B 5, ball bearing in bearing casing with flexible coupling

  • Pipeline mounting design: electric motor, building form V 1 with special bearing, because complete bearing from motor, motor shaft = pump shaft